Dennis Sarlo to Moderate Panel at DDB Spring Market 2019


The Decoration & Design Building (DDB) is known nationally and internationally as home to over 130 to-the-trade showrooms, representing over 3,000 leading manufacturers dedicated to the very best in residential and business interior furnishings. Every year, the DDB hosts spring and fall markets–each dedicated to a significant topic in the design industry. This year’s spring market, Design Confidential, will feature vanguards and visionaries who will discuss lessons learned, secrets of success, and best practices from their years of experience in the ever-evolving business of design.

We invite you to join us for DDB Spring Market on Wednesday, May 22. Dering Hall will be partnering with DDB to present a panel discussion on the importance of branding. Dering Hall’s Executive Editor, Dennis Sarlo, will moderate the panel to explore how top designers leverage their style to grow their brand. Please see below for details and registration information.

Made Goods, Suite 325
Wednesday, May 22 | 12:00 PM
Building Your Brand

Every designer has a signature style that’s unique to them, but the best among them know that leveraging your look to develop a brand can define your career and hone your craft. In a conversation moderated by Dering Hall’s Executive Editor Dennis Sarlo, hear from designers Kesha Franklin of Halden Interiors, Lydia Marks and Lisa Frantz of Marks & Frantz, and Robert Passal of Robert Passal Interior Design who ask themselves the important question, “Does this fit my brand?” before taking on a project and how this important step has shaped their practice. Learn how these top talents personify the profession and capitalize on the unlimited potential of branding.

Erin Gilbert