
Memorial Day Sale
May 26 - June 1, 2022

Participation and pricing


What is the Promotion?

Chairish is having a limited time Memorial Day Sale and we are inviting you to participate by temporarily reducing the prices on your storefront. The Chairish Memorial Day Sales Event will begin Thursday, May 26, 2022 and run through Monday, June 1, 2022. We will be offering a special preview to buyers on May 26.

You are invited to participate for 72 hours, Monday, 5/30 - Wednesday, 6/1

Am I required to participate?

This is an optional event. You are not required to participate.

How can I make sure my storefront is included in the sale?

Simply complete the 3-step form included in the email you received by EOD Friday, May 13.

How long will my storefront be on sale?

Your entire Chairish shop must be on sale for the entire duration of the promotion: 5/30/2022 - 6/1/2022. You will set the markdown % for this limited time, at a minimum discount of 15%. 

When will markdowns take effect?

Markdowns will take effect at 12:00AM Pacific Time on 5/30/2022 and terminate at 11:59PM Pacific Time on 6/1/2022, when your items will return to their previously last published price.

Is there a minimum percentage I can take off and be included?

Temporary markdowns must be a minimum of 15%. We recommend a 25% discount or more as our internal data shows discounts at the 25% level and beyond are most compelling. The average discount of items sold during temporary sales in 2021 was 20.4%.

Can I choose to markdown selected products, rather than my entire storefront?

As a Chairish Super Seller, we’re offering you the opportunity to opt in up to (5) items at 50% off for 24 hours only (Tuesday, May 30)

Will the temporary discounts be applied to both list and net pricing?

Yes, the discounts will be applied to both your listed price and net price, if you have offered a trade discount. We’ve offered visual examples (below) on what Chairish visitors will see on your products.

End-User View

This image shows how an end-user will see the discounts on your item. The discount will be displayed (here: 30% off) along with the original price crossed off.

Trade User View

This is example shows how a trade user would normally view their trade discount on a selected item.

This shows what the trade user will see during the temporary sale. We will also have language that conveys urgency, as you can see with this example: “Sale Ends Today” to encourage purchase.



How will the sale be Promoted?

In addition to the homepage feature and email marketing campaigns for The Chairish Memorial Day sales event, our PR team is doing a large press push for coverage, which includes additional outreach to relevant affiliate partners to drive new and seasoned Chairish buyers to the site.

Will individual notifications be sent to those who have favorited an item in my shop?

Yes. Anyone who follows your Chairish shop or has favorited a live item in your shop will receive an email notification with details of the limited time sale on the first and last day of the promotional period.

Is there a way I can help promote the sale?

Yes. We have provided badges and banners to promote your temporary markdowns via your own social channels, email or on your own website. 

Are there any guidelines around social media promotion?

Please be sure to only post these during the promotion period and of course, be sure to tag your instagram stories with @chairishco and #foundandchairished so that we can repost!

Where should I go if I have more questions?

If you have more questions on the promotion, please reach out to your account executive or simply email