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Dering Hall Launches Improved Designer Location Tool

Recently, Dering Hall has upgraded the location tab for Design Professionals. Pinpointing the major areas our designers are located, we were able to create a more user-friendly version of the tool. Professionals with one or several offices can now find their companies listed on the corresponding location category.

In honor of this update, we have come up with some ways design relates to and is informed by location:

Location as Inspiration

Ideas come from all types of internal and external forces. In most cases, the location of a design helps shape and mold its process and execution. Using what nature, climate, and resources are around you to inform your own designs cements your space as one that is synonymous with where it is located. A phenomenal piece by our Editorial Team about Coastal Design shows this inspiration in practice exceptionally well. 

A Network of Your Area’s Premier Design Practices

Showing that you and other nearby designers are pushing boundaries says your area is an exciting place to watch and work in. Sites like Dering Hall can share with the rest of the world what the top designers in your area are doing, how it is different than other places, and gets people interested in looking there for the work that strikes them. Establishing a network of designers in your location shows just how much potential it has in the design industry, and cultivates an environment of design-consciousness valued by clients and designers alike. 

Acting as a Resource in That Area

If you are one of the few professionals in an up-and-coming area, people outside your location will be looking to you as a resource for what kind of design that area offers. You have an opportunity to influence what kind of impression designs coming out of your city, state, or country make. Because of this, your work may be interchangeable with the style and designs your area produces.

Location for Sourcing

Working with material sourced locally can make your design feel truly grounded. Considering the materials native to the environment, the flora and fauna in the area, and the local businesses you want to support, elevates your project into one that has both the heart and the energy of where it was designed. Sourcing and drawing from things unique to your area can make for one-of-a-kind designs that will be as eye-catching as they are rewarding to both you and your client.

Final Thoughts

Locations act as a way to unite designers with each other and the environments they operate in. Seeing designers embrace location and work with it in mind creates daring designs that will remain relevant to the scenery around it for years to come. Its timelessness and distinctive attitude allow for it to be seamlessly integrated into the area, in fact enhancing it in some cases. With Dering Hall’s new location tool for Design Professionals, it is easier than ever to see how the top designers in the field are using their locations to inform their work and build a design network and style relating to their area.