[Webinar] How to Get a Project Published


In April, Dering Hall was joined by Jill Maremont, CEO + Principal of Inspiration Station Collective and Chicago Ambassador of Dering Hall, who offered her best advice on how to get a project published. This insightful presentation included proven strategies and helpful tips for increasing your chances of being featured in high-end magazines, websites, and other online platforms.

About Jill Maremont
Jill Maremont has over 15 years of hands-on experience in the Interior Design industry. She specializes in strategic marketing and press relations strictly for the design industry. Her clients include artists, architects, designers, antique dealers, art galleries, custom home builders, and other members of the design industry at the top of their game. She has had her own firm in Chicago for 10 years now and has been a Dering Hall ambassador for the last 5 years.

The webinar, which can be viewed above, covered the following topics:

The Importance of Getting Published

Getting published allows you to gain notoriety while generating new business and new opportunities. Do you need to be a famous designer to be published? “No, you just have to have a killer project with really great photography,” says Jill. When it comes to print vs online, one of the main differences is the lead time. Print typically takes a while to secure placement and to have it run. Because there’s so much competition, there’s a long wait time – sometimes a year or more. Online is usually quicker because there is so much content available. Print has more notoriety but online has a larger reach. You have to decide what is best for you and your project. Jill’s advice: do a mix of both.

Setting Goals

Be sure to plan out your goals and make business decisions based on those goals. Do you want to gain new business? Do you want to be published in esteemed outlets? Throughout the year, your initiatives should be pacing towards completing these goals and getting to where you want to be.

Must Haves for Getting Published

Permission to publish – Getting permission from your client is a critical part of the process. If you’re hoping to pitch projects, you should discuss this with your clients during the initial conversation and definitely before the process begins. It is extremely important to make sure they are comfortable with their homes and personal spaces being published for all the world to see. It is also important to note which publications care about the most. Lifestyle publications typically like to focus on the homeowner and how they are living in the spaces. Shelter magazines tend to focus more on the design. If you’re worried about how to get permission, Jill’s advice is to be upfront. Let them know that it is important for your business and will help you gain more clients and more recognition by being featured.

Great photography – Photography is the absolute most important thing you should be spending money on. Your styling should reflect the magazine you want to pitch to, as it can add character to homes and spaces and makes them feel lived in. Get a mix of photography, including verticals, horizontals and different angles. Be mindful of all the opportunities and possibilities when you’re taking photos. Jill’s advice: always use a professional.

Important to Note: It is super important to own your photos, rather than your photographer holding all the rights to images. Be sure to discuss this when contracting your photographer. If a magazine/publication doesn’t have a budget to pay for use rights, you may lose out on an opportunity because you don’t actually own your photos.

Selecting the Right Publications

The last thing you want to do is pitch a publication that is not a good fit. Understand the aesthetic before selecting the publication. It is extremely important to get to the right person. Instead of going for the editor-in-chief, go for the home editor, interiors editor or someone more likely to see your pitch. Jill’s recommendation: Pitch one publication at a time. DO NOT pitch the same project to multiple publications as this is commonly considered taboo.

Crafting a Pitch

No one has time to read pages and pages about your project. There has to be some sort of hook or story illustrated quickly and easily. Pitch exclusivity and get straight to the point in your emails and subject lines. To keep your projects exclusive, DO NOT post your projects on your website or social media platforms if you are pitching them for publishing. Publications don’t want to publish images that have been seen before. On the flip side, online publications typically don’t mind reposting projects that were previously featured in print (although they may ask about it if it’s an issue).

When following up with a pitch, try to be patient. You can be proactive, but do not be annoying as these things do take a while sometimes to get going.

Hiring a PR person

Jill’s advice for hiring a PR person is simple: “if the budget allows, hire a PR person, if it doesn’t, then don’t.” If you are hiring a PR person, make sure it is someone who specializes in the design industry and understands your business.

Strategy for Multiple Placements

Getting your projects published in multiple outlets is definitely possible, as long as you are strategic about it. Work your way down – start with the top tier (national) publications and see if you can get featured there. Once you are featured there, work your way down regionally, locally and online.

Publishing Your Own Work

Once you are published, you can begin to publish your amazing work on your website, social media and of course, platforms like Dering Hall.

Dering Hall would like to thank Jill Maremont for participating in this webinar and sharing her experience, knowledge, and expert tips for getting a project published in print and online. 

Erin Gilbert