Three Tips for Keeping Customers Engaged


Customers are the lifeblood of any business. While customer acquisition is essential to business growth, keeping current customers happy and engaged should also be a top priority. If you want customers to continue doing business with you, you have to be able to adapt with the times and make it easy for customers to stay loyal and remain interested in your brand.


Here are three tips for keeping your customers engaged:


1.  Focus on the customer experience

How easy it for customers to find your business? And, once they find your business, how easy is it for them to make a decision? A buyer’s journey typically consists of three phases: the awareness stage, the consideration stage, and the decision stage. Whether you’re selling products or services, you want to make sure that your customers are able to find the information they need to get them to the next step. For your current customers, how well are they engaging with your website and your brand? Is it easy for them to get back in contact with you or follow up on a purchase? By making your processes easier and seamless you can greatly enhance the customer experience.


2. Make sure your social media is up-to-date

Social media has become an essential part of every company’s digital strategy. If your company is represented on social media, you want to make sure your accounts are up to date with your current info and contact information. You should also try to post regularly with relevant information. This will ensure your brand is consistently getting exposure and show current customers and followers that you are remaining active. If you have trouble coming up with new content to post, try repackaging old content, such as a video or blog post. You don’t necessarily have to post daily or weekly, but you want to make sure visitors know you’re still active on these platforms that you are a part of.


3.  Take customer feedback seriously

Customer feedback, whether good or bad, is a great driver for business growth. In order to create the best customer experience, you need to find out how they feel about their past and present experiences, and what they feel can be more helpful for them in the future. Knowing how your brand is perceived will allow you to make needed changes and improve upon things that work well.

Erin Gilbert