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Dering Hall Launches Phone Inquiry Notifications

Last week, Dering Hall released a new feature that sends a notification to our product listing members when a Dering Hall user calls from their product or profile page. For a long time, our brand members asked us for more details about the phone calls we record in their Analytics Dashboards. Automated emails that alert members when a call has been made to one of their offices or showrooms provide more insight into the non-internet engagement Dering Hall drives.

Here are a few questions that we’ve received since rolling the feature out:

  1. How do you know the call came from Dering Hall? Every Dering Hall member receives a complimentary local masking number for each of their showroom and office locations. Calls that come through this number forward seamlessly and are indistinguishable from other calls you receive.

  2. I don’t recognize the number the Inquirer called-- where did it come from? It’s a number listed on your profile for one of the showrooms or offices on your account. To update your office and showroom locations, access your profile editor or reach out to your Account Manager for help.

  3. What product was the person who called me looking at? Because we track the phone number at the showroom level, we’re not able to know what product or page the inquirer was looking at.

  4. What if I didn’t receive the call? Double check the phone number to make sure it belongs to one of your office or showroom locations. If it does, you may have missed the call. Feel free to reach out to your Account Manager to see if they can provide further details.

This is just the latest way Dering Hall is offering insight to the activity on your product pages. We hope you enjoy this latest feature and would welcome your feedback on this and other potential improvements to the platform.