Three Creative Ways to Land More Clients as an Interior Designer


It is likely that you got into interior design because you had a talent and a passion for making spaces beautiful.  In all likelihood, you did not get into interior design to become a salesperson, yet that is a huge part of this business.  When discussing your business with a potential client, here are three creative ways to approach the pitch that might make you more comfortable and yield better results.   

1. Value the Dream State

Whether the project is for a single room or an entire house, understand that your client is in a dream state.  They are fantasizing about the possibilities of what space could become.  It's exciting!  


Your job is to extend their dream.  Do not wake them up, so to speak, with talk of limitations or budget or practical issues, not at first.  Instead, try to better understand their dream.  Beyond the aesthetics, what do they want to feel when they step in their home?  What spirit to they want to evoke?  Keep them in this state of potential.  It is a great place to start.

Also, by having them describe some of these intangibles, especially before contracts have been signed or construction has begun, you can get a better sense of who they are and what they are looking for.  This should hopefully make for a more productive, cohesive partnership moving forward.

2. Start with them, not with you

You likely have experience, an education, a portfolio and a laundry list of references that you can show your potential client.  But don't start the conversation with you, start it with them.  This is less like a job interview and more like a date.  You want them to feel comfortable, open and trusting of this partnership and your abilities.

So ask them questions about what they are looking for.  How they use the space and their priorities.  Then reassure them that you understand, you hear what they are saying, and you can make their dream a reality.  

3. Tap into their Emotion


Focus on what is driving their decision to make this change.  Usually, there is something propelling them to make this investment.  Perhaps it is something as straightforward as hiring a designer to stage a home for a sale.  But sometimes, it runs deeper.  It can be about creating an escape, an oasis, or a model of efficiency.  Have them close their eyes an picture themselves in their new home or room. What do they feel when they are there?  How can you tap into that and again, reassure them of your own skill set to make that vision a reality?

 There is something therapeutic about beautiful design.  In simplest terms, it just makes you feel better.  Embrace that with your opening conversation with potential clients.  Don't make it transactional, convey your deeper understanding of what they want out of the process and then give them the confidence that you are the one who can deliver it.