Dering Hall Introduces Online Retargeting for Brand Members


Dering Hall features high-end design brands of all sizes on our platform.  In an effort to increase the exposure, interest, and inquiries for our brand members we are introducing product retargeting this summer.

Retargeting is a common digital marketing tactic that uses cookies to anonymously “follow” a visitor on the web after leaving your product page.  Display ads featuring your products will be served to those who have visited your product pages to increase the likelihood they will take action on that product- either with a tearsheet, website visit, email or phone call.

Dering Hall is constantly working to improve the results for our members using the latest in digital technology.  Our retargeting efforts is another attempt to increase awareness of your brand and products with a professionals trade audience.  Retargeting is incredibly effective in improving online results.

3xs the Return Visits

A typical online visitor who sees a product on a site returns to that product 8% of the time.  With retargeting, that return visit increases to 26%. With over a quarter of online visitors seeing your product multiple times and returning to your profile, the chances of you getting a designer to recommend or use your product for a project is significantly higher.

1046% higher branded search

According to a recent comScore study, retargeting increases branded search by 1046%.  This likely has to do with the increased brand awareness that comes with visitors seeing your products and brand multiple times.  With the new retargeting at Dering Hall, you should see an increase in people searching for your brand outside of Dering Hall. Retargeting is effective not only for specific products but for your overall brand awareness as well.

147% conversion rate

Retargeting increases online conversions by 147%, according to CMO.  While this statistic is applied primarily to e-commerce sites qualifying a conversion as an online purchase, at Dering Hall a conversion can be equated to an inquiry, tearsheet download, or website visit.  Retargeting should increase all of these results from your brand membership.

10xs the click-through rate

Retargeting ads are also more effective than standard display ads online.  They have a click-through rate 10xs greater than standard click-through rates, which are generally less than .01%.  

We are thrilled to introduce this digital advertising on behalf of our brand members.  We will continue to notify you on the results of these efforts.