6 Quick Tips for a Successful Instagram Account


Of all the social networks out there, Instagram has emerged as the leader in the design industry, with its inspirational images and seemingly endless ways to innovate. It's also a great way to find new products, new sources, and of course, new business. With this in mind, we put together six quick tips for improving your Instagram presence. And of course be sure to check out Dering Hall's account for plenty of imagery and ideas.


Follow us on Instagram @deringhall

Follow us on Instagram @deringhall


1. Use high-resolution photos. 
When taking a photo for Instagram, grab a professional camera if possible instead of your phone. Instagram users respond best to crisp, clear imagery, so either take original photos this way or use photos you've previously captured with your camera.

2. Shoot and crop your photos to concentrate on an unexpected focal point.
Focus the camera on a unique aspect of the space or product to show off your creativity. This will help your images stand out in everyone's crowded Instagram feed.

Caracole Instagram: @caracole

3. Show off your genuine personality.
Write your captions in your own voice. Let your Instagram speak to who you are as a design professional and individual.


4. Post Instagram Stories
Instagram Stories are a fun and easy way to connect with your users without being too overwhelming. You can use Instagram Stories for virtually anything including sneak peeks, product promotions, live event coverage and so much more. With the ability to include elements such as text, gifs, hashtags and outbound links on your posts, the opportunities for user engagement are endless.

5. Use the right hashtags.
Instagram users will discover your gallery of images if you utilize the right hashtags. Posting a photo of a kitchen? Try: #kitchen, #kitchendesign, #kitchenrenovation, etc.

6. Engage with other Instagram users in your community.
Ever hear the expression "like for like?" You get what you put into the Instagram community. Like, comment, and share photos from users that are similar to your page and your business.