WEBINAR: The Role of Technology in a Creative, Personal, Full-Service Business

In early May, Dering Hall and MyDoma Studio teamed up to discuss the role of technology in full-service, creative businesses like high-end design.  Personal businesses can often feel like they exist outside the technology evolution.  While industries like travel and commerce move online, high-end design is an industry based on the tactile and building relationships, things best done in person.

The video, which can be viewed here, covered the following key areas:

Social Media

What is the social media platform most critical to the design business? How can you utilize different social media effectively? How important is content? Frequency?  Imagery? We discuss it all and more.


With so many apps out there, it can be hard to tell which is worth the cost. We review some of the apps we recommend and why.

Digital Platforms

Digital marketing platforms are emerging in design. What is the different between Houzz, 1st Dibs and Dering Hall and what do they do for the design business?

Business Management Tools

Technology tools to make administrative tasks more efficient are also emerging. We review some of the top tools in the market and what you should look for when shopping for your next tool.

Technology isn't slowing down, but we invite you to take some time and enjoy this webinar. Perhaps it will help clarify where, how and why you should invest in some of the technology that's out there.