Dering Hall Launches a New Editorial Submission Process for Brand Members


Brand members of Dering Hall have access to the Dering Hall editorial calendar, where they can submit products for upcoming features.  Recently, Dering Hall has made that process even easier.  Now, brands can submit products directly from their profile for each story, expediting and simplifying the process.     

To use the new tool, members can select "Products" from their portal.  Once you click on Editorial Submissions, you will be directed to a list of all upcoming stories, including stories from the most recent edit calendar.   Simply select any you are interested in and select up to five products per story to be considered. There is no limit to the number of stories available for submission, though there are strict deadlines for submission.   

This is a simple example of how we're constantly investing in the Dering Hall platform to improve our technology and ultimately make it easier to make great design accessible.

If you are interested in becoming a Dering Hall member, contact us today.