PODCAST: How to Get Published in Print and Online

Michael Boodro Discusses How to Get Published in Print and Online
Michael Boodro

Michael Boodro hosted an exclusive podcast at Dering Hall in Winter 2018 on the best ways for designers and designer brands can get published online and in print.  Some of his main takeaways are below.  Dering Hall hosts monthly webinars on how to get more awareness in design. Register here for our next webinar on building your brand using Instagram.


Here are Boodro's main take-aways on getting published:

1.  Make Sure You Have Great Images

Get the best photographer you can afford.  There is the option of hiring a stylist as part of the photography session, but the objective is to capture the spirit of the project.  This is not the same as documenting the project.  The photography should convey the experience of being in the room.  How do you feel when you are there.  This is going to take an excellent photographer and something that is worth the investment.  

Negotiate with the photographer up front.  Work out the rights of the photographer.

2.  Talk to your clients ahead of time about the possibility of being published.  

Anonymous publications are an obstacle in print, so to overcome that obstacle, make sure you discuss the possibility of publication with your clients ahead of time.  

3.  Respect Exclusivity

If you are submitting to a print publication, the work should not be published online.  Most print publications require exclusivity, but will get back to you with an answer within 2-3 months.  

These are just a few of the tips Boodro reviewed in his webinar.  Watch the video today to learn about successful ways to get published in print and online.  

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